I made a vague resolution to myself at the start of 2012 that I would find my internship before my 22nd birthday which is in July. Well, I did. I am nearing the end of my internship. It's been a great learning experience, not just intellectually wise but also how a office workplace works and functions.
Getting pneumonia twice and being hospitalised for one of those occasions. The first time I was delirious with fever, so much so that I truly believed that Admiral Adama was my best friend (he was only Commander Adama then since it was Season 1). We had deep and meaningful conversations while I half slept. I have no idea what we talked about. Anyway it resulted in a two (or was it three?) night hospital stay. Pneumonia is very disruptive as it leaves you physically weak, unable to work or study. Blegh.
The positive of the lowlight?
For probably the first time ever I am making a conscious effort to exercise. And it's true, you feel healthier and you have more energy if you exercise regularly.
Those are the only two major life events that stand out. Moving on.
Top Novel of 2012
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (2002) - I finished this book in a lot less time than I expected, it's quite a thick book. All the characters were so likeable and when they couldn't overcome obstacles, it made it all the more heart-wrenching. This novel definitely goes on my shelf of favourite books, a book that "fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book (The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (2012))." That is how much I like this book.
Top TV of 2012
Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009) - BG was/is some of the best television I have watched in a while. The drama! The suspense! Character development! Humans losing their humanity! Just thinking about Battlestar Galactica makes me want to watch it again. Here is an excellent piece about Battlestar Galactica by writer James Bradley, he covers the points about why I love this series so much. He has written about it infinitely more eloquently than I ever could. For obvious reasons.
Top Music of 2012
Hospice by The Antlers (2009) - 'Kettering' was played in an episode of 'Chuck' (another fine TV series) and that scene in Chuck was the perfect blend of the emotional, visual and aural. And so began the short hunt for the song ie Google, which resulted in me falling into the abyss of the bleak, depressing, hopeless and enthralling listening pleasure that is 'Hospice'. It's the type of music that demands to be listened to not as background music to your studying but as a sole activity.
Top Film of 2012
Pretty in Pink (1986) - The first movie I've watched by John Hughes the "king of teen movies" (Wiki). I loved the way that Andie dressed - girly, brooches, florals, hats and tweaking items to suit her style. Duckie dressed sharply too with his very thrift store style, bold patterns and colours, huge rings and hats. I loved watching it for the clothes, the humour, the unrequited love. The standout scene was Duckie performing to Otis Redding's 'Try A Little Tenderness' in the record store. See below. I really hate the ending though. Why, John Hughes, why?! Why stupid focus group?! Jon Cryer was so good in this...cannot believe he's on Two and a Half Men.
I realise that all the tops were not from 2012...I am perpetually playing the game of catch up. I hope 2013 is filled with adventures, opportunities and great people, for you and me.
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